Circle LED led deck light ideas 180°anti glare wall light IP67 1W M0385






Izibane ezikhokelwayo

Circle LED led deck light ideas 180°anti glare wall light IP67 1W M0385

Iimpawu zokuvelisa:

1.Ubume obunelungelo elilodwa lomenzi, ukungunda okufanelekileyo, okucokisekileyo kunye nokudityaniswa, ukuguquguquka nokusetyenziswa ngokubanzi

2. Amaqondo obushushu ahlukeneyo ayafumaneka, anje ngombala oluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, oluhlaza, obomvu, ofudumeleyo omhlophe, oqhelekileyo omhlophe opholileyo nomhlophe. Ulwenziwo umbala eyamkelekileyo

3. Uyilo lwe-anti-glare engama-360-degree-degree, jonga ukukhanya kodwa hayi ukukhanya

4. Isangqa se-snap silungisiwe. Ukufakwa kulula kwaye kulula,

5. The lamp body adopts milky white acrylic lampshade, which is anti-glare, and the light is more even and softer. Equipped with a wire-controlled dimmer, the required effect is better;

Ukucaciswa kweMveliso:

Umzekelo No .: M0385

Qaphela: AC12V / 24V

Power: 1W

Ukukhanya kweLumen: 30LM

I-Beam Angle: 180 °

CCT: 2700-3000k, 4000-4500k,6000-6500k

I-CRI:> 80

IP Ibanga: IP67

Ubukhulu: 36x39mm

Izinto eziphathekayo: 6063 aluminium

Housing color:White/silver

Isicelo: Udonga / isiteji / umhlaba