- 23
- Aug
dipimpin downlight carane ngganti?
Instalasi lampu langit-langit minangka bagean penting saka kabeh lampu omah. Yen lampu sorot sing dipimpin ora bisa digunakake. carane ngganti lampu anyar. ing ngisor iki kalebu cara lan tata cara.
- nyiyapake alat kanggo ndandani lan ngganti. pita listrik lan lampu sorot anyar sing dipimpin kanthi ukuran bolongan utawa model sing padha. Set, tang, lan gergaji tangan cilik yen prelu.
- Pateni listrik lan alon-alon gulung lampu. Coba priksa klip buluh ing lampu kasebut. Sawise sampeyan ndeleng, terus lampu nganggo driji, Yen sampeyan ora nggatekake kertu buluh, sampeyan bakal cilaka kertu reed yen narik sirah lampu terus mudhun, mula ati-ati kanggo mbusak sing lawas dipimpin downlight.
- Then first disassemble the connector, replace the lamp head, the driver does not move, turn on the light switch, if the light is not on, you can confirm that it is the driveIf the drive is faulty, replace the drive.
- Then first disassemble the connector, replace the lamp head, the driver does not move, turn on the light switch, if the light is not on, you can confirm that it is the driveIf the drive is faulty, replace the drive.
- Wrap one of the driver power cords on one of the lamp power cords (lighting electricity is irrespective of positive or negative), and use bakeliteThe tape is glued, and the other one is connected in the same way and wrapped with electrical tape.
- Wis arep rampung. Sabanjure, coba eksperimen kasebut. Urip tombol lan lampu bakal urip. Yen ora diuripake, baleni langkah ing ndhuwur nanging dudu drive pengganti.