- 23
- Aug
led downlight kumaha ngarobih?
Pamasangan lampu handap langit-langit mangrupikeun bagian penting tina sadaya lampu bumi. Upami lampu handap anu dipimpin henteu jalan. kumaha ngarobih lampu énggal. ieu di handap aya cara sareng prosedurna.
- nyiapkeun alat pikeun ngalereskeun sareng ngagentos. pita listrik sareng lampu downlight anu dipimpin anyar kalayan ukuran liang anu sami atanapi modél anu sami. Sasét, tang, sareng ragaji alit upami diperyogikeun.
- Pareuman listrik sareng lalaunan ngacungkeun lampu. Nengetan klip buluh dina lampu. Saatos anjeun ningali, tahan lampu ku ramo, Upami anjeun henteu merhatoskeun kartu reed, anjeun bakal cilaka ku kartu reed upami narik sirah lampu lempeng ka handap, janten ati-ati ngaleupaskeun anu lami dipimpin downlight.
- Then first disassemble the connector, replace the lamp head, the driver does not move, turn on the light switch, if the light is not on, you can confirm that it is the driveIf the drive is faulty, replace the drive.
- Then first disassemble the connector, replace the lamp head, the driver does not move, turn on the light switch, if the light is not on, you can confirm that it is the driveIf the drive is faulty, replace the drive.
- Wrap one of the driver power cords on one of the lamp power cords (lighting electricity is irrespective of positive or negative), and use bakeliteThe tape is glued, and the other one is connected in the same way and wrapped with electrical tape.
- Ayeuna badé réngsé. Salajengna, kakuatan nepi percobaan. Hurungkeun saklar sareng lampu bakal hurung. Upami éta henteu hurung, balikan deui léngkah-léngkah di luhur tapi sanés drive ngagentos.