- 23
- Aug
qanday qilib o’zgartirish kerak?
Shiftdagi yorug’lik chiroqlarini o’rnatish – bu butun uy yoritgichining ajralmas qismi. Agar svetodiod lampalar ishlamasa. yangi chiroqni qanday o’zgartirish kerak. quyida usul va tartib ko’rsatilgan.
- ta’mirlash va almashtirish uchun asboblarni tayyorlash. elektr tasmasi va bir xil teshik o’lchamli yoki bir xil modelli yangi svetofor. Agar kerak bo’lsa, to’plam, penseler va kichik qo’l arra.
- Quvvatni o’chiring va chiroqni sekin pastga tushiring. Chiroq ustidagi qamish qisqichiga e’tibor bering. Ko’rganingizdan so’ng, chiroqni barmog’ingiz bilan ushlab turing, agar siz qamish kartasiga e’tibor bermasangiz, agar siz chiroq boshini to’g’ridan -to’g’ri tortib olsangiz, qamish kartasidan shikastlanasiz, shuning uchun ehtiyot bo’ling. svetofor yoritgichi.
- Then first disassemble the connector, replace the lamp head, the driver does not move, turn on the light switch, if the light is not on, you can confirm that it is the driveIf the drive is faulty, replace the drive.
- Then first disassemble the connector, replace the lamp head, the driver does not move, turn on the light switch, if the light is not on, you can confirm that it is the driveIf the drive is faulty, replace the drive.
- Wrap one of the driver power cords on one of the lamp power cords (lighting electricity is irrespective of positive or negative), and use bakeliteThe tape is glued, and the other one is connected in the same way and wrapped with electrical tape.
- Bu yakunlanish arafasida. Keyin, tajribani kuchaytiring. Kalitni yoqing va chiroq yonadi. Agar u yoqilmasa, yuqoridagi amallarni takrorlang, lekin bu diskni almashtirmaydi.